I was a little bit surprised that P90X has Kenpo X but Taebo was a big success before and it had a lot of hype so I thought it made sense to have Kenpo in the workout routines. Kenpo is basically Karate or a form of martial arts. Karate has many benefits like self-defense, physical conditioning, coordination and self-confidence.
Kenpo X has a lot of Karate moves. From what I can tell, Torker unicycle each of the exercises is based on a Karate technique. It has the basic Karate punch to the basic Karate kick. I had to basically repeat doing the Karate moves over and over to finish the workout. The techniques were pretty simple and practically anyone can do them.
I was actually pretty glad that P90X had Kenpo X since I'm not a stranger to mix martial arts. I practiced mix martial arts and boxing a lot. So having Kenpo X allows me to work on my fighting techniques and form while having a great workout. I can practice kicks, punches and a lot of karate moves while doing the work out. Best of all, I'm burning calories while I'm doing it.
The Kenpo X workout routine is actually pretty intense also. It isn't really that hard to complete since I can control how much force I put out of my arms and legs. When I got tired, my punches and kicks really didn't have any force behind it. I'm practically just swinging my arms and I seriously doubt anyone would get hurt if I hit them since I am dead tired. The workout is actually intense enough that I really do get tired about 60% of the way. As time passes by however, I did get stronger and I was able to do this exercise routine pretty perfectly.
The benefits of this routine is pretty obvious. It is a great way to burn calories and fat while being able to practice martial arts. The routine is definitely very motivational and not boring at all. So it really isn't that hard to finish the whole workout routine. I wasn't bored at all and didn't even know that time is slipping away. If you have ever been jogging then you would know what I mean. Sometimes it just gets boring and I just give up in the first 10 minutes or I wasn't able to complete my 45 minute jog. So I don't burn any fat or calories due to boredom. But with Kenpo X and most of the P90X routines, boredom really isn't going to be a problem. All of the workout exercises are pretty unique and fun to do.
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